Hello Everyone! My husband Shaun and I are both LPHS 1990 Grads and 2 of our 3 children have already graduated as Divers!
I have been the Technology Coordinator for the Lake Preston School District since 2003. I enjoy working with the students and technology on a daily basis and absolutely love watching their faces light up when they get excited about the next cool thing (as we all know technology is ever changing). I've seen it with the the younger kids and it be something as small as how to make the block set work all the way up to the big kids figuring out something on their own in class. "I love it when the light bulb turns on!."
Odegaard Family Farms is a farrow to finish hog operation that sits north of Lake Preston where my husband works with his brothers and other family members. Our son recently returned home with his wife after putting in several years with the Aberdeen Police Department, to join his father and uncles at the farm. Our daughter is a 911 Responder for the Brookings County Dispatch, and has been over there for several years. The youngest is starting Middle School this year and definitely keeps us busy!
Our love for the people of this community and the atmosphere of having our children in a small school and the opportunities it provides is why we chose to stay in this area!
Phone: 605-847-4455
Cell : 605-860-0164
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelors Degree - Computer Information Systems
Dakota State University, Madison SD